Watch this Video on Child Discipline

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Parent Help - How to Discipline Kids

Are you worried about the way your child behaves? Do you have child behavior problems and are not sure how to effectively implement child discipline? You are not alone! Many parents have concerns about how to discipline kids.

It is important to understand what discipline for kids really is all about. Child discipline is not about punishing kids. Child discipline is the way parents can teach and train their children to help them learn self discipline and self control. Child discipline teaches kids how to be responsibility. Parents help kids to grow into adults who are respected because they take responsibility for their actions.

Here at this that some guidelines to help you understand how to discipline kids.

Start when your kids are babies
It is preferable to start child discipline as early as possible. Don't wait too long before teaching your kids appropriate behavior. Start disciplining at the baby stage. You know when to start disciplining when you see your baby looking to see your reaction when they deliberately throw or drop a toy. Your response to this reaction will start to set the scene for whether the baby learns to get your reaction with positive or negative behavior.

A parent needs to respond to this kind of action with a firm "NO" and shake of the head. Repeat this response every time the baby does this unacceptable action. In this way the baby will learn that when the toy is dropped or deliberately thrown, the parent does not respond with the usual smile or approval. If however, a parent gives the baby positive attention to such an action it will encourage the baby to repeat the action to get the parents attention .
Discipline your kids through consequences

If kids deliberately overstep previously set rules and boundaries, or disobey, consequences should be given for those choices. For the consequences to be effective, kids need to understand ahead of time what the consequences of overstepping those limits or disobeying would be. When following through with consequences, parents need to be sure the child understands why the consequence is being implemented. When giving consequences, it is best that parent stays calm and explains clearly but firmly the reasons for the consequences occurring.

Try not to raise your voice when disciplining children. When parents yell and shout when disciplining kids, the kids learn to ignore their parents or shout back..

Children can be trained in choices as soon as they are old enough to understand and follow instructions. When a parent gives choices child learns to have more control over the life and can start to develop self-discipline. For example if your kid wants to play video games, but hasn't put away the toys, you could give the choice of putting away the toys and then playing video games, or not playing video games. By choosing to put away the toys, the kid also chooses to play video games.

Consistency is the key to effectively disciplining kids.

Whatever your decided consequence is, always follow through with it. All children in the family need to see that your discipline is fair, consistent, and impartial to all. If parents discipline with these three things in place, they earn respect from their kids.

When planning how to discipline kids, remember to think of discipline as teaching and training and not as punishment. . The bottom line is that when dealing with child behavior problems, your discipline strategy should always be approached in love and done for the best interests of the child.

1 comment:

Mary said...

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